where does the time go? » Maggie Holmes Design
I didn’t realize it had been over a week since I last posted! We have been super busy around here! We have had family in town for the last two weeks. My mom and sister were here for a week staying with us. After that Brian’s brother stayed with us for a night and then we have had Brian’s parents staying with us until this morning. We have had a ton of fun and the kids have been up late giggling and playing almost every night! They have a hard time going to bed when we have such fun visitors at our house! It’s been great – busy, but fun and great! A funny thing Matthew said yesterday when he was picking out which shoes he wanted to wear: “I want to wear these ones mom, cause they are good for stomping on bugs!” O.K. Matthew, whatever you say! And his favorite thing to do lately is to stand on the front porch and wave to whoever is leaving the house and he yells out a message like “Bye, see ya later,” or “Thanks for coming,” or “Bye, have a great day!” He is such a funny little guy! And […]
Maggie Holmes