Summer Photos of the Kids + My Editing Workflow » Maggie Holmes Design
I don’t know about you, but trying to get our personal images off my hard drive and printed is definitely a task that I have a hard time keeping up with! I just can’t seem to find a system or schedule that works to stay on top of it. I would love to hear your ideas or suggestions of what works for you in this area so please comment and let me know!! I need to improve in being more on top of this and I would really appreciate your HELP!! I just hate the thought of having so many of our memory filled photographs stuck on my hard drives and not printed! When I do have some free time (which seems like never haha) I try to sit down and pull up past months and go through the photos I took to edit and print them. This is the process that seems to take the longest amount of time and can be the most frustrating if I can’t get it started and finished in one sitting. Over the years, I have found a couple of things that do help to speed it up. 1 >> First is that I aim to get […]
Maggie Holmes