Sneak Peek for the Romney's » Maggie Holmes Design
Even though this little guy did not want to sleep for us, he was still happy and content most of the time – despite all of the outfit changes and different spots we were putting him in! We typically get few (if any) shots of newborns with their eyes open, but he was wide awake in most of his! I can tell that this little bundle of joy will bring a lot of happiness to his parents! The perfect little foot shot…. It was like he knew what I wanted him to do! I was giddy with excitement during this and I always wonder after if the parents think I am a little kooky because of the things I say while I am shooting. It is just makes me so happy when I know I am getting the shot I want and I can't help but shout for joy! 🙂 Those beautiful little newborn eyes – trying to stay open and wanting to take it all in… yet they are still so fresh and new and tired and wanting to close at the same time. This shot makes me wish I could have a peek into his mind….. The happy […]
Maggie Holmes