Mini Book Workshops at Studio Calico » Maggie Holmes Design
Everyone knows how much I LOVE and adore mini books….. as in, with all my heart!! In fact, you may be familiar with some of my previous mini album classes >> Happy Little Moments, 25 Days and Pieces of Me. I can definitely tell you that each of these albums (and all the other ones I have created through the years) are complete treasures to me and my family! (Note: Mini album shown above is not a sample of the albums taught in this class. It is an example from a class I taught previously.) Studio Calico is offering a series of mini classes, all focusing on MINI ALBUMS!! Insert huge smiles and lots of excitement from me here! Four months. Four different mini classes. Four instructors. The first class, taught by Nicole Reeves, is available in the shop NOW! The other classes, taught by me, Marcy Penner and Celine Navarro will be availabe at a later date. Special Bundle Offer >> Purchase all 4 classes now and save 20%!! Early bird pricing expires 1/31 at 11:59pm EST. After that, each class will be $10. >> Workshop Details
Maggie Holmes