Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! » Maggie Holmes Design
I know I have been completely missing for a while and many of you are wondering what happened to me!! Hope you all had a great holiday season!! I am still alive; I have just been super busy!! We had a great Christmas and had some family in town and then I had a bunch of scrapbooking deadlines to meet and now I am finally coming up for air! Now, I am feeling that urge to clean out my studio/office and de-clutter, reorganize, etc! I think I always get that urge after I do a bunch of projects! Even though I always clean up and put things away in between projects, it seems that some things just get tossed aside and not everything gets back in its proper place. I also have a huge pile of fun Christmas cards that I received and I would love to do something creative with them – make a mini album or something. I hate to just toss them because I know how much work goes into each card! Anyway, here are some photos of my really good friend and her family. I took them right before Christmas and she was so patient, waiting […]
Maggie Holmes