Eyes » Maggie Holmes Design
As a photographer I am always looking to capture the eyes the sparkle, the smile, the life…. it can all be found in the eyes. In fact I was photographing a boy the other day who was about 10 years old and I was waiting and waiting for the smile in his eyes. He was giving me the typical 7-10 year old boy smile that looks like "I don't know what you are doing with that big camera in my face and I really wish I was home playing xbox anyway and I feel silly smiling cause I don't really know how to smile without looking like I am trying way too hard and I end up making a face that is nothing close to my normal true and genuine smile and oh, did I mention that I would rather be home playing xbox??" So, I was trying to talk him through it and dad was being silly trying to get him to loosen up and then it finally clicked and so I started clicking and I wasn't even looking at his mouth but rather his eyes… and I could finally see his smile in his eyes and I said […]
Maggie Holmes