Emily's Birthday Party » Maggie Holmes Design
I simply cannot believe she is 3 years old already! She is all girl – full of sweetness, cuteness, drama, sass, giggles…. you name it! She loves everything pink and anything related to baby dolls, princesses, dress up, make up, and lipstick. She also loves to sing. She sings to us ALL the day long every single day. She will sing songs that are real songs like "Twinkle Twinkle" and "I am a Child of God" and then she will also make up her own songs as she goes along. Those ones will sometimes last for a LONG time….. she looks around the room as she sings and adds in whatever she can think of. They often sound something like this: "I am so cute and beautiful and my mom is so beautiful and cuuuuuuuute….. My daddy is coming home and he will get me and he will stay home with me for the whole day and he will never leave again ever my life……… etc etc etc." It is quite amusing and very endearing. I can sit and listen/watch her do this for hours! Sometimes one song will literally last 15 minutes! She will also say things to me […]
Maggie Holmes