DIY Christmas Packaging + Free Digital Printable For You! » Maggie Holmes Design
I LOVE pretty packaging and especially making my gifts look special and unique for those receiving them! It’s a passion of mine and I’ve always loved spending time wrapping and decorating my packages! I can remember when I was young gathering pine cones, pretty ribbons, and other holiday pretties and using my mom’s hot glue gun to decorate our Christmas packages! I can’t remember what was inside most of those gifts, but the act of sharing my love with my family through the heartfelt and thoughtful gift wrap is a memory I will always have. This year I have the unique and exciting opportunity to teach a gift wrap workshop at Anthropologie here in Arizona! I am super excited and really just can’t wait! I’m teaming up with Amanda to teach it, which also means she is coming to visit and we get to spend some time together! It’s an extra blessing to be able to combine friendship with work, all while doing things that I love and am truly passionate about! I will share photos of the cute boxes we will be making at Anthropologie, along with photos from the event later on after it takes place, but today […]
Maggie Holmes