Colorful Scrapbooking Inspiration from Amanda » Maggie Holmes Design
Even when we are busy I think it’s important to carve out some time for creativity. I know that for me it really helps to clear my mind and it gives me energy and a refreshed outlook on all of the other tasks that I have ahead of me! Pocket style scrapbooking or Project Life scrapbooking is a great way to go when you only have small amounts of time to work on your memory keeping. The smaller spaces to fill are less daunting and you can work on it little bits at a time when you want to squeeze in a little bit of that creativity! I especially love that Amanda makes scrapbooking work for her instead of the other way around! She’s not a traditional scrapbooker but she has made memory keeping a part of her routine in a way that is best for her! She keeps it simple and works with mini albums and these pocket pages because that’s what suits her style the most! It’s a great reminder that we don’t have to fit into any certain mold when it comes to scrapbooking or any craft that we love to do! Go with what works for you […]
Maggie Holmes