Bloom & Grow » Maggie Holmes Design
Hello there friends! It’s Friday again! The weeks fly by don’t they!! I love Jessy’s opening paragraph today (see below) because she talks about how spending time doing creative things is therapeutic for her…. it’s so true! I find that for me (with 6 kids and a busy schedule) there isn’t always a convenient time for me to escape into my studio to scrapbook, paint, sew or be creative. BUT, I do find that it is so fulfilling and renewing to me! I’ve found that a great way for me to make it work with my schedule is to bring the kiddos in and let them create along with me. Most often it is when the bigger kids are in school, so I just have Henry and Lizzy here at home. When Henry is napping, Lizzy and I can come in and get quite a bit of creative time in. She ABSOLUTELY LOVES being creative as well so it’s a fun activity for us to do together and I love that! I’m excited for Jessy to have this same experience with her sweet little girl in a few years time when she is a little older! Crafting time is what […]
Maggie Holmes