a HUGE milestone... » Maggie Holmes Design
Matthew is potty trained!! Yipeeeeee!!! I can’t believe it!! I have tried to potty train him a few times in the last 6 months and he just wasn’t interested. He could easily go on the potty but he didn’t care and he wouldn’t be bribed! My plan was to wait until we got into our own house to start again because I didn’t think it would work amongst the chaos and everything right now. But, things never seem to go as planned right? Here’s how it all happened:: Brad and Sunny (the bro and sis-in-law that we are living with) have a daughter who is just a couple months younger than Matthew — Haylee. They have been trying to potty-train her and it wasn’t going that well so one night they brought home a gumball machine to use as motivation. So, I figured we might as well try it since Matthew loves gumballs and I figured it might help him along if they were doing it together. The next day we told them that they would get 1 gumball for going pee on the potty and 5 gumballs for going number two! I put Matthew right in some “big boy […]
Maggie Holmes